Welcome to your Entry Test Preparation (ECAT) Math Mock Test 2

If $x=2at^2 , y=at^3$ then $\frac{dy}{dx}=?$

H. M between $\frac{1}{2} and \frac{1}{3} $ is;

The graph of $x=-16y^2$ opens towards;

Co-efficient of $x^n$ in the expansion of $(x^2 - \frac{1}{x})^n$ is;

$\cos{22 \frac{1}{2}^o} = ?$

If $f(x)=(x+1)^2$ and $g(x)=x-1$ then value of $fg(4)=?$

Which of the following is equation whose eccentricity is $1$?

The rank of the matrix $ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & -1 & 2 & -3 \\ 2 & 0 & 7 & -7 \\ 3 & 1 & 12 & -11 \\ \end{bmatrix} $ is;

If $A=\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & b \\ -1 & 0 & -a \\ 5 & 6 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} $ is a skew symmetric matrix, then values of $a$ & $b$ respectively are

$\lim_{{x \to \infty}}\frac{3x^2 - 1}{4 - 2x^2} =\,?$

If $(3,7)$ and $(8,9)$ belong to complex numbers then $(3,7)\div (8,9)=?$

The eccentricity of the hyperbola $x^2 - y^2 =1$ is;

Which of the following is greater?

$\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{n^3 + 4n}{4 - 3n^2} =?$

From a deck of 52 playing cards, two cards are drawn at random. What is the probability of getting both aces? (where first card is replaced before drawing other)

If $A=\{1, 2, 3, 5, 7\}, U=\{1, 2, 3, …, 11, 12\} \,and\, B= \{4, 5, 7, 9, 3\} \,then\, P(A \cup B)=?$

If the width of rectangle is $4$ meters and its total area is $12$ meter square. What is its length?

When $y=p$ where $p$ is the distance from origin, then slope of $y$ is;

Distance between lines $3x+4y-4=0$ and $6x+8y+2=0$ is;

Direction of Qibla can be determined by;

Which of the following could be the equation of graph?
If $n$ is divisble by $5$ the remainder is 3. If $3n$ is divisible by $5$ then the remainder is;

If $\vec{u} = 2\vec{i} + 6 , \vec{v} = -9\vec{i}+ 8\vec{j} + 4\vec{k}$ then $\vec{u} \cdot \vec{v} = ?$

$\int x^3 e^{5x} \, dx = ?$

Which one is in range of $f(x)=\frac{2}{3} \sin{x} ?$

20 years ago my age was $\frac{1}{3}$ of what it is now, what is my present age?

$x^2 -5xy + 4y^2$ is made from which of the following pairs?

The center and radius of circle $x^2 + y^2 -6x + 10y -15 = 0$;

$\tan^{-1}(x) + \tan^{-1}(\frac{1}{x}) =?$

The value of $(1 + i)^4 (1 + \frac{1}{i})^4$ equals to:

If $x=a\cos{\theta} + ib\sin{\theta}$ and $y=a\cos{\theta} + ib\sin{\theta}$ then $\left| xy \right|=?$

If area of circle is $100\pi$, then radius of circle is;

$150^\circ$ equal to how many radians ?


The middle term in the expansion of $(1+\frac{x}{2})^{20}$ is;

The value of $\vec{i}\cdot[(\vec{k}\times\vec{j})\cdot(\vec{i}\times\vec{k})]$ is;

Bisma's Salary was reduced by $25\%$. Percentage increase to be effected to bring the salary to original level is;

$\sum_{k=1}^{100} (-1)^k=$

The sides of a triangle are $7, 4\sqrt{3}, \sqrt{13}$ . Then smallest angle would be;

$\int \sin{x}\cos{x} \, dx = ?$

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