Unit 12: Application of Trigonometry
Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the angles and sides of triangles. It has numerous practical applications in various fields, including science, engineering, architecture, physics, navigation, and more. Here are some common applications of trigonometry:
1. Engineering and Construction: Trigonometry is extensively used in engineering and construction projects. It helps in calculating angles, distances, heights, and lengths required for designing and constructing structures such as buildings, bridges, and roads.
2. Navigation and GPS: Trigonometry plays a crucial role in navigation and global positioning systems (GPS). By using trigonometric principles, one can determine the position, speed, and direction of moving objects or vehicles accurately.
3. Astronomy: Trigonometry is vital in astronomy for calculating the distances between celestial objects, determining their sizes, and predicting their motion and positions.
4. Surveying and Mapping: Surveyors use trigonometric principles to measure distances and angles on the Earth’s surface. It aids in creating accurate maps, dividing land, and determining property boundaries.
5. Physics and Mechanics: Trigonometry is applied extensively in physics and mechanics. It helps in analyzing and calculating forces, vectors, projectile motion, rotational motion, and harmonic oscillations.
6. Architecture: Architects utilize trigonometry to design and construct aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound buildings. It helps in calculating angles, dimensions, and proportions to ensure stability and balance in architectural designs.
7. Electrical Engineering: Trigonometry is employed in electrical engineering for analyzing alternating currents (AC), calculating phase differences, and understanding the behavior of waves and oscillations.
8. Computer Graphics and Animation: Trigonometry is used extensively in computer graphics and animation to create realistic 3D objects, simulate motion, and calculate lighting and shading effects.
9. Optics: Trigonometry plays a significant role in optics. It aids in understanding the behavior of light waves, calculating angles of incidence and reflection, and determining the focal length and properties of lenses.
10. Sound and Music: Trigonometry is used in sound engineering and music to analyze and synthesize different waveforms, calculate frequencies, understand resonance, and design musical instruments.
These are just a few examples of how trigonometry is applied in various fields. Its ability to relate angles and distances in triangles makes it an essential tool for solving real-world problems involving measurement, motion, and relationships between objects.
Contents & summary
- Introduction
- Tables of Trigonometric Ratios
- Exercise 12.1
- Solution of Right Triangles
- Exercise 12.2
- Heights and Distances
- Engineering and Heights and Distances
- Exercise 12.3
- Oblique Triangles
- The Law of Cosine
- The Law of Sines
- The Law of Tangents
- Half Angle Formulas
- Solution of Oblique Triangles
- Case I : When measure of one side and two angles are given
- Exercise 12.4
- Case II : When measure of two sides and their included angle are given
- Exercise 12.5
- Case III : When measures of three sides are given
- Exercise 12.6
- Area of Triangle
- Exercise 12.7
- Circles Connected with Triangle
- Circum-Circle
- In-Circle
- Escribed Circles
- Engineering and Circles Connected with Triangles
- Exercise 12.8